The City of Anderson, South Carolina has released a draft of its 20-year comprehensive plan, "Plan this City," which aims to guide growth and development. The plan was developed with input from ...
They said the victim's injuries were serious but he is expected to recover. Detectives said Taylor, along with O'Bryan Miller ...
THE CITY SAYS THE AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC VOLUME ... Anderson County Detention Center pending a bond hearing. ANDERSON, S.C. — South Carolina Department of Revenue agents arrested a man from ...
Eastern Engineered Wood Products, a construction company that designs and distributes structural floor and roof systems for ...
Mayor Jake Anderson said he hopes to have the position filled by the end of March. St. Cloud Fire Chief Matthew Love is temporarily filling the role of city administrator while the city searches ...
The City of Anderson's proposed comprehensive ... for growth in the area for the next 20 years," McKenzie said. South Carolina law states the comprehensive plan must include 10 essential ...