The long-delayed regulations would require some residents to clear combustible materials from within 5 feet of their homes.
Interactive map from the California Geological Survey shows the destruction potential of a tsunami wave in the Golden State.
State officials recently added tens of thousands of acres to wildfire hazard zones in and around Ventura County cities.
The most recent risk assessment, outlined in maps published by the California Geological Survey, illustrate the devastation ...
CalFire has new threat designations for areas much closer to urban areas than before. Maps for the Central Valley came out ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection released new fire-hazard severity maps Monday that added thousands ...
As a late-winter storm brings rain to Southern California, evacuation warnings have been issued in recent wildfire burn areas ...
Overwhelming majorities of Los Angeles County voters support strengthening building codes and imposing greater restrictions ...
The bulk of yet another winter storm is forecast to hit Southern California starting Wednesday evening, prompting evacuation ...