Rio Blanco County has hired a part-time animal and livestock conflict investigator, giving the county "another set of eyes to ...
Colorado’s voter-initiated reintroduction of gray wolves has thrust a new predator into the High Country.  There are ...
It was a game that we knew it was important for us I think we had to put the game on the ice that we did tonight,” said Wild ...
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved two Grand County ranch claims totaling $343,415.37 for wolf-related ...
Colorado Wild Horse Protection Month faces funding challenges as the Joint Budget Committee considers cutting $300,000 from ...
If approved by the wildlife commission, two claims would basically wipe out the $350,000 the state budgeted for wolf ...
In the months since the defeat of a ballot measure aimed at banning the hunting of mountain lions, bobcats and lynx, wildlife ...
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission has agreed to pay over $300,000 to two Grand County ranches for wolf-related ...
Animal rights groups push for bill to ban big-cat hunting and trapping in Colorado, but the bill fails to pass the House ...
A push to change a few sentences in Colorado’s statute flamed an ongoing debate about what should be driving wildlife ...
Colorado gun bill sponsors propose amendment to allow gun owners to be exempt from firearm prohibition if they receive hunter ...