Amazon has recently requested a permit to fill in 9.7 acres of wetlands because it wants to construct even more data center buildings on the site.
Locals and environmentalists are urging Amazon to avoid disrupting the wetlands. Local resident Dan Caruso says Amazon was ...
Amazon's plans to build a data center near Bendix Woods County Park would impact almost 10 acres of wetlands and more than ...
The guard call of sandhill cranes rings through Steuben County skies as the recently frozen world returns to life.
Evansville Police opened a death investigation Sunday after find a young woman's body in a wooded area of Howell Wetlands.
Bluffton becomes first local government in South Carolina to pass wetlands protection ordinance after a US Supreme Court ...
Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge will celebrate wetlands, wetland wildlife and the coming of spring with special programs ...
Filling in the wetlands would tragically kill the creatures ... I grew up in South Bend and was taught the Indiana values of hard work, community and investing in the future.