University of Alabama Press, 2006. Jamestown Narratives: Eyewitness Accounts of the Virginia Colony, The First Decade: 1607-1617. edited by Edward Wright Haile. RoundHouse Books, 1998.
In this image, the Dutch sailors, who have captured the blacks from a Spanish ship, are negotiating a trade with the Jamestown settlers for food. No record of the ship's name was made at the time.
Captain John Smith, the leader of the Jamestown colony, heard from the Indians that men wearing European clothes were living on the Carolina mainland west of Roanoke and Croatoan Islands.
Despite its success, the colony of Jamestown experienced a tumultuous ... most elements of the story as it is known to the world via books and movies today are false, largely perpetrated by ...
An ancient DNA (aDNA) study at the 17th-century English colony of Jamestown, Virginia, has identified two of the town's ...