Prince and her “dump truck” will be parked near Interstate ... If the items are too big, Junk King can schedule a special pick-up at your home. The company will also be donating $1 for every ...
"You can really dump fast. Drivers don't have to get out of the truck to dump. You can still haul large payloads and they are pretty versatile. You can spread material well; you can pave.
Launched at Bauma CHINA 2024, the company says the Allison Transmission 6000 Series enhances wide-body dump truck efficiency ...
PITTSBURGH, March 12, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- "I wanted to simplify the process of securing, moving and swapping out the struts on large rear dump trucks," said an inventor, from Proserpine ...
“I don’t think anyone would argue that site dumpers, which are very compact, will replace dump trucks on most large construction sites,” Carter acknowledges. “However, there are situations ...