I didn't have a girlfriend at the time, so when it came to putting the nose art on my aircraft there, I decided to go ahead and have them put Little Coquette. CHANG: That was Lt. Col. Harry Stewart Jr ...
Harry Stewart Jr., a decorated combat pilot of World War ... that he watched P-39 aircraft flying in a tight formation and knew "it wouldn't be long before the draft would call me up." ...
Harry Stewart Jr., one of the last two remaining members ... "That's not also to say that I didn't have a strong streak of ...
Harry Stewart Jr. was 100 years old ... After his service, he wanted to become a commercial airline pilot but wasn’t hired because he was Black. He ended up earning a mechanical engineering ...
Harry Stewart Jr., a decorated combat pilot of World War II’s mostly Black ... that he watched P-39 aircraft flying in a tight formation and knew "it wouldn't be long before the draft would call me up ...
Harry Stewart Jr., one of the last surviving members of the ... (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) STEWART: I didn't have a girlfriend at the time, so when it came to putting the nose art on ...