Boston Mayor Michelle Wu entered a high-stakes Republican-led Congressional hearing while holding her baby daughter, who ...
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu carried her newborn daughter, Mira, through the halls of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu went to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. for a hearing from the House Oversight Committee on ...
Politicians and Boston locals enjoyed musical performances, speeches, and plenty of roasts at the annual event, a Boston ...
With Ash Wednesday ashes on her forehead and a baby on her shoulder, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu strode into a Capitol Hill ...
The much-hyped hearing, Wu’s first time on the national stage, turned out not to be so much of a show but more of a legal ...
If Committee Chairman James Comer expected Wu to be the weak link among the four mayors, he had to be disappointed. She ...
Wu has won their backing after successful contract negotiations. The endorsement comes as the mayor prepares to testify in ...
Wu was one of four Democratic mayors called before the committee. The three others — Eric Adams of New York City, Brandon ...