Among Adirondack mammals, pygmy shrews hold several records. Some adults weigh only 2-3 g (0.11 oz) and thus are the smallest mammals in the world. This species is also one of the rarest, with only ...
Adults weigh 3-6.5 g (0.11-0.23 oz.). The masked shrew is intermediate in size between the smaller, more slender pygmy shrew and the larger, stockier smoky shrew. The masked shrew has the largest ...
She initially planned to make the character a human child but shifted to the idea of a Caucasian pygmy shrew (a species ...
Etruscan shrews are 20 times lighter than the average adult mouse. They have a body length of about 4 cm excluding the tail ...
Most at risk is Britain’s very smallest mammal - the pygmy shrew. Greater white-toothed shrews have already wreaked havoc on them in Ireland, where they were first discovered in 2007 ...
This is a pygmy shrew. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information ...