Researchers from the University of Tokyo created a novel and eco-friendly plastic with a few characteristics atypical of the material. The scientists named their creation VPR, which has superior ...
The University recognizes this need with its offering of retirement transition program options: Voluntary Partial Retirement (VPR) and Advanced Retirement Declaration (ARD). The VPR framework, a ...
This settlement follows a lawsuit filed by VPR Brands in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia against POP Vapor for alleged infringement of US Patent 8,205,622 B2 ...
VPR Brands has a well-established track record of successful patent enforcement, ensuring that its technological innovations remain protected from unauthorized use. Led by its legal team at ...
VPRBRANDS, LP (OTC:VPRB) – VPR Brands, LP (“VPR Brands” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce a significant legal resolution in its ongoing efforts to protect its patented Auto Draw Technology. The ...