President Donald Trump gave orders to release water from Northern California's two largest reservoirs, Lake Oroville and Lake ...
Using historical forecasts, reservoir storage and river flow data, scientists found that FIRO, combined with a planned second spillway at New Bullards Bar, could provide additional flood storage ...
The California Department of Water Resources says that this approach, known as the Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations, or ...
California’s largest reservoirs are holding more than 120% of their historical average. But underground, the state’s supply of water for drinking and irrigating crops remains depleted. Even after ...
The last consecutive trio of wet winters came in 1998 ... “But right now, reservoirs around the state are looking good, and our groundwater supplies are looking good, too.” ...
Even a relatively tiny increase in storage capacity could pay huge dividends when wet winters such as this evolve into periods of drought. Had the long-proposed Sites Reservoir on the west side of ...