On February 23, 1821, three months after the sperm whale sank the ship, the Dauphin, another Nantucket whaling vessel, sighted a small boat filled with sun-bleached bones with the emaciated ...
Context: Globally, the top two leading causes of mortality to whales are collisions with large vessels — known as ship strikes — and entanglements. One of the main goals of the program is to ...
While no longer pursued for its oil, meat and bones, these whales continue to be the victim of ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear, which can result in protracted, painful deaths. Right ...
The result was a "probability map" of whale locations at different times of year that could be used to help protect these large mammals from ship strikes in the future, the researchers said.
One of the world's rarest whales finds itself in greater jeopardy ... we need to be pulling out all the stops.” Mashuda says ship strikes are one of the major threats to the species.
“Speed limits save endangered whales from deadly ship strikes. They’ve helped save whales on the East Coast, and they’ll help save the Gulf of Mexico whale from extinction,” said Kristen Monsell, ...