An endangered North Atlantic right whale, swimming in the Gulf off the Fort Myers, Florida coast, was captured on video by SeaTrek Charters of SWFL ...
For cruisers seeking unforgettable whale encounters on West Coast itineraries, your ship itself offers multiple perfect ...
Juneau Whale Watch and Adventures in Alaska are two more ... Most companies will pick you up at the cruise ship terminal before transporting you to a nearby dock to start the excursion.
Get up early. Winds, and therefore the waves, are mellower in the morning. Later in the day, the sun may cast a glare on the ...
Context: When most fossil-fuel burning ships reduce speeds to the “whale-safer” threshold, it also decreases air pollution and emissions by about 27% from baseline. NOx, a key contributor to ...
“The Festival of Whales is always the first weekend in March, and it is a celebration of the migration of California gray ...