The Great Lakes Compact, along with other binational agreements that protect the lakes, are at risk as Trump expands pressure ...
Congressman Nick Langworthy has reintroduced legislation aimed at preventing future wind turbine development on the Great ...
With the warm weather these past few days the ice on the Great Lakes is quickly receding. Here's a look at how the ice cover ...
“Microplastics are reported to be present in sources of drinking water and in fish collected from the Great Lakes and their ...
Using a remotely operated vehicle, teams were able to find the wreck of the Western Reserve steamship, which sank on Aug. 30, ...
The Soo Locks form a key passage for ships navigating the upper Great Lakes, enabling traffic to bypass the St. Mary’s Rapids and travel between Lake Superior and Lake Huron. More than 4,500 vessels ...
The shipwreck, broken in two, was discovered by the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society using sonar technology. A historic all-steel ship that broke records as it cruised the Great Lakes but ...
Although the Western Reserve was found in Lake Superior, estimates suggest there are more than 1,700 ships resting just in Lake Michigan.
A Kansas company that owns dozens of small railroads is purchasing Owosso-based Great Lakes Central and expanding its ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - The highly successful Sea Lamprey Control program, charged with eradicating the invasive fish from around ...
The Great Lakes saw more than 50% ice coverage in February. As temperatures warm up, that percentage is falling quickly.