These establishments in Monroe County were inspected between Feb. 10 and 23, according to Pennsylvania Department of ...
You can view the complete inspection reports for any establishment in the Department of Agriculture’s food safety inspection ...
Reading, Muhlenberg Township and the rest of the county. Reading and Muhlenberg Township have their own food safety ...
Berks County is divided into three jurisdictions: Reading, Muhlenberg Township and the rest of the county. Reading and ...
Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Violations: 5 Inspector observed knives stored between the bain marie and the steam table on the cook line (removed for cleaning); hamburgers, ...
It also needed to put a barrier between the three-bay sink and mop sink and fix its bain marie. Its hand sink and three-bay sink were leaking. It needed to use sanitizing solution after washing ...
Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Violations: 5 Inspector observed knives stored between the bain marie and the steam table on the cook line (removed for cleaning); hamburgers ...
Add the white chocolate, cream, butter, and pistachio extract to the bowl over the bain-marie. Stir the ingredients over the bain-marie until the mixture is melted. Set the mixture aside to cool ...
Au lait: French for "with milk." Bain-marie: A water bath used to cook certain dishes. Baking powder: A leavener (which helps a dough or batter rise or become light in texture) that contains a ...
The first step to making the cake is melting the chocolate. My dad does this with an improvised bain-marie, a fancy French term for putting a pan inside another pan to avoid burning the chocolate.
At Shelton Kitchen, the report stated eggs were stored in a broken walk-in cooler, sauces on the countertop were at an improper temperature and chicken and beef in a bain-marie were improperly cooked.