Madrid moved on to the quarterfinals to face Arsenal, which also advanced Wednesday along with Aston Villa and Borussia ...
By the time that was going on, most Arsenal fans were on their way home or in the local pubs watching on to see who their ...
Barcelona’s growing interest in 19-year-old Colombian forward Neyser Villarreal has recently come to light, but they may need ...
Zach Lowy takes an in-depth look at where the club are, how they arrived here, and this season’s brilliant European campaign, ...
Aghehowa the Answer or Another Transfer Gamble?Manchester United’s summer recruitment drive is beginning to take shape, with ...
Porto will hope to take advantage of a position as relative underdogs when the Primeira Liga veterans make the trip to the ...
Securing training bases has been a source of intense competition among clubs before the revamped tournament has even kicked ...
Hacía tiempo que no se escribían nuevas páginas del culebrón de Antoñito Cordero, pero a medida que se acerque la fecha de la ...
Lisboa, 17 ene (EFE).- La ciudad de Oporto, en el norte de Portugal, se despidió este lunes con honores del que fuera durante 42 años (1982-2024) presidente de su club de fútbol, Jorge Pinto da ...
Athletic Club have won their all four of their home UEFA Europa League matches this season. They last had a longer winning run on home soil in major European competition between 1985 and 1997 (11), ...
Lisboa, 15 feb (EFE).- El presidente del Oporto, André Villas-Boas, afirmó que la muerte de su antecesor, Jorge Pinto da Costa, este sábado a los 87 años es "un momento de consternación ...
quien fue presidente del FC Porto durante 42 años, falleció el sábado a los 87 años victima del cáncer, y de inmediato se manifestaron diversas figuras con pasado en el club para expresar su ...