D&D players can select specific feats for their characters, and here are the best feats to pair with the Druid class.
but can prove complex due to their Eldritch Invocations. It's probably easier than ever for gaming enthusiasts to get into Dungeons & Dragons. With the popularity of actual play podcasts and video ...
It's for anyone who ever read The Perfect Storm and thought, you know, this is fine, but it really needs more unnamable, ...
Of course, this is still DnD, so these questlines can range from ... The Black Goat of the Woods – a curvaceous eldritch god that seems to have everyone under her thrall. Sucker For Love walks ...
Suggested adventures include attending tea parties, dancing at fancy balls, and competing at the village fair, all without a cupcake mimic or eldritch horror in sight. Further marking its deviation ...
It also makes ranged DnD weapons slightly more practical, for those unfortunate moments in which you’ve run out of spell slots and really don’t feel like casting Eldritch Blast for the fiftieth time.
DnD languages shape how adventurers communicate, from common speech to ancient magical tongues. Read on to explore every ...
Hey there, welcome to our latest edition of The Wrapp. This is a chance for you to see what the various members of the Pocket ...
Even though it's not exactly new anymore, there's still something about eldritch horror that makes every new game focused on it into an exciting prospect. When done well, it always manages to ...