Drops of God is one of those gems of purest ray serene that cable TV ... Issei a single sen of his diamond fortune unless he abandons all this wine-tasting with gaijin nonsense). Issei’s dad, the one ...
Known as the 'God of Chaos' asteroid, its scientific name is after the Egyptian god of chaos, Apophis. And it is much, much bigger than the newer discovery. Apophis was first spotted back in 2004 ...
Such men were commonly referred to as “Gaijin,” but the term itself meant any foreigner. “A lot of her friends were against their relationship,” said Boettner. “They warned her about Gaijin and G.I.
Sony Interactive Entertainment is a Sony subsidiary founded in 1993, which went on to make the PlayStation series of gaming consoles and critically acclaimed and successful video game series such as ...
Whether you are an expatriate working in Tokyo, a student pursuing your dream career in Kyoto, or someone who fell in love with Japan, renewing your visa is crucial. In this article, we guide you ...
Cloud Gaming services are available in wide range which give users enough options to choose from. One of the best cloud gaming service is Nvidia’s GeForce Now. GeForce Now began its beta period back ...
While the inital post received 10 retweets and 25 likes, two days later, on February 28th, 2017, Tumblr user Etica [1] shared the post on Tumblr and received more than 32,700 notes. On May 2nd, the ...
Ubisoft was founded in France in 1986 and has become one of the most successful video game publishers in the world. It’s known for game franchises such as Assassin’s Creed, Price of Persia, Far Cry, ...