Hey! It’s St. Patrick’s Day today, so I hope you’re using a green transmog. Luckily as a Druid I have no shortage of green ...
Layered armor, an editing mechanic first introduced in 2018's Monster Hunter World, allows players to combine these ...
World of Warcraft Classic players will get the chance to travel back to Pandaria and relive one of Blizzard’s most vibrant and immersive expansions ...
Who would be the most effective DJ: a Mage who summons Mirror Images to help him, or a Naga who has multiple arms to turn ...
With the sheer number of excellent mage jobs that can be used in the Final Fantasy series, it's easy to see why some fans have their favorites. Blue Mages look great on paper. After all ...
GlamAddictWoW ’s mage sparkle rant sums it up ... more “I’m the monarch of this dungeon.” It’s transmog that’d make Thrall trade his hammer for a scepter. How It Ties to WoW’s Bigger Picture ’s hype ...
Available items include a new mount, the Ruby Butterfly, Armor transmog appearances ... Visit T&W** (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading ...
With that being said, we will take a look at all of the Mage changes for WoW TWW 11.1 so you can stay up to date with your favorite class and better navigate the very exciting Season 2 full of new ...