Phyllis Diller 147 ... "A small son can charm himself into, and out of, most things." –Jenny de Vries 175. "There’s this boy who stole my heart. He calls me mom." –Unknown ...
Onze ambitie is om samen met kennisinstellingen, bedrijven en de overheid de energietransitie te versnellen. Zodat Nederland in 2050 een energiesysteem zonder CO2-uitstoot heeft. Daarnaast bieden we ...
Frank Sinatra, who perhaps understood the level of fandom Marilyn Monroe faced better than anyone else alive at that time, once advised the actress to buy filing cabinets to protect her personal ...
As diplomatic tensions continue between Canada and the United States, a travel group says Islanders are rethinking their travel plans, opting for alternative vacation destinations that are either ...