As steam rises from sugarhouse cupolas and early morning coffeepots, sugar makers are working overtime to turn maple sap into ...
While all maple tree species produce sap, sugar maples have the absolute best quality sap with the highest sugar content and is the one syrup makers always choose first. It takes about 40 gallons of ...
As steam rises from sugarhouse cupolas and early-morning coffee pots, sugarmakers are working overtime to turn maple sap into ...
Along the roadside, daffodils wave golden trumpets. Flowering almond, red maple, Eastern redbud and bright forsythia have put ...
We’ve had a rough, “old-fashioned” winter but a recent turnaround in the weather gives us hope for the coming spring, when ...
Maple syrup production faces challenges from warmer winters and increased demand, impacting supplies in Canada and the U.S.
Zandee-Hart was named to the Canadian team Friday for the 2025 IIHF world championship April 9-20 in Ceske ­Budejovice, ...
Traditionally, Vermont families begin harvesting and boiling at the start of this month as Vermont’s weather rolls through ...
J.T. Compher and Dylan Larkin sat in the stands when the Detroit Red Wings hosted the Winter Classic at Michigan Stadium on ... football game but for a 3-2 shootout win for the Toronto Maple Leafs ...