Swego czasu Vin Diesel byÅ‚ caÅ‚kiem niezÅ‚ym aktorem. ZagraÅ‚ m.in. Å›wietnÄ… rolÄ™ w "Szeregowcu Ryanie" Spielberga. Później jednak staÅ‚ siÄ™ gwiazdÄ…, a zarazem zakÅ‚adnikiem samochodowej epopei. DrugÄ… rolÄ™ ...
We were using the cordless version of the Enabot ROLA Smart Pet Water Fountain, although you can also pick up a corded version for around a tenner less. The ROLA provides pets with fresh ...
Yet we still think there’s something special about analog photography. If you’re drawn to the idea of shooting on film, this guide will help you get started. Based on the feedback of our ...
Set during the pandemic, with characters wearing facemasks and doing their best to social distance, the film has a peculiar, alienating feel that underscores each of the men’s eroding sense of self.
Margot Robbie zachwyciła w wielu filmach, ale to właśnie rola kontrowersyjnej łyżwiarki ... Była także nominowana do Złotego Globu i nagrody BAFTA. Film "Ja, Tonya" spotkał się z bardzo ...
This is their sixth film outing on screen and second feature-length film, and has already been lauded as one of their best. The premise sees Feathers McGraw return from The Wrong Trousers with ...
The best things in life are free. Sign up for our email to enjoy your city without spending a thing (as well as some options when you’re feeling flush). Our newsletter hand-delivers the best ...
Za swoją rolę w filmie "Konklawe" jest nominowana do Oscara. Anna Tatarska: Film jest dziś jedną z wielu pani aktywności, obok teatru czy własnej farmy. Co musi mieć w sobie propozycja filmowa, żeby ...