Desai has planted over 650,000 trees, established seven urban forests in Surat, and mobilized over 250,000 youth as ...
Gujarat cities, including Ahmedabad, Surat, and Vadodara, are behind in heat preparedness compared to Thane, Bhubaneswar, and ...
Authored by - Chandni Singh, lead and Divyanshi Vyas, research associate, School of Environment and Sustainability, Indian Institute for Human Settlements.
With an ambitious plan for a semiconductor city, coupled with a bustling international airport and world-class road ...
During the discussion on urban development projects in the Assembly on Monday, Health Minister Rushikesh Patel, on behalf of ...
Masyarakat digegerkan oleh viralnya surat permohonan Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) yang diduga dikeluarkan oleh Lurah Rawa Maju, ...
Gandhinagar: The Gujarat assembly on Monday passed the budgetary demands of the urban development department of Rs 30,325 ...
The growing presence of women in the crypto industry is more than just a statistic — it represents a powerful movement toward ...
Discover the top 10 safest cities in India for solo women travellers, featuring destinations such as Kolkata, Chennai, and ...
Pemkot Palembang telah mengeluarkan surat edaran tentang larangan operasional tempat hiburan malam, bar, panti pijat urut ...
Scientists have found that almost one in five of the world's largest cities is undergoing 'climate whiplash' as they face ...
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) melakukan penggeledahan di rumah Mantan Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil. Bagaimana kronologi kasusnya?