And, as the Danes will tell you, hygge is not limited only to the cold, dark months - you can practice hygge all year long.
There are 22 Cold Boxes at Volvo's Kiruna, Sweden, testing facility. The temperature inside is set at -29 degrees Celsius. Sven Albiecht, a chassis and drivetrain development engineer at Volkswagen, ...
The Cold Swedish Winter writer Danny Robins reveals six weird things you never knew about Sweden. Danny has a special interest in Scandinavia – apart from being happily married to a Swede ...
In Orebro, thousands braved the cold, packing the central square to honour ... but you never thought it could happen in Sweden and Orebro," she said. Police say they still do not know why ...
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Carved into the rock beneath a Swedish city, a huge man-made cave system dating back to the Cold War is being used to heat local housing. DW found out how it works ...
"We have the cold limits we have, there is not much to say about that. I do not know if they also measure the wind effect," Swedish team boss Anders Bystroem told reporters. "If FIS says it's -17 ...
The Cold Swedish Winter writer, Danny Robins reveals the music that forms the soundtrack to his series. There's a musical soundtrack woven through each episode of The Cold Swedish Winter ...