I’m glad you’re recording. FELLOWS: Let’s take a breath. DUNN: No. You are a lot more tough now that you [don’t] got 10,000 of your thugs out here with you. You’re a lot more tougher now.
“I mean it’s a breath of fresh air when you come here,” said Robinson, one of several beneficiaries of Midwest Adaptive Sports’ program that teaches people of all abilities how to take to ...
You’re like, 'Life is a precious thing, and you shouldn’t really take it for granted ... give two damns about mental health before I got into the NFL, if I’m being completely honest.
"Take a breath, take a beat!" Related: Whoopi Goldberg trips while walking out to start The View: 'I don't know what I tripped over' In recent weeks, 47-year-old cohost Sara Haines also got into a ...
Morris, 54, got out of his car and sprinted toward the ... Morris had to step outside several times to take a breath. “The smoke was getting pretty heavy,” he said. A few minutes into his ...
Just to be clear, you are defending a Heil Hitler salute ... perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath. This is a new beginning. Let's hope for healing and work toward unity in ...
You can find her on X @jennajournalist ... and "I'm just minding my own f*****' business." Marcus refused to take a breath test, according to the sheriff's office. Michael has five children ...
But you just got to push through ... You’re going to fundamentally not agree on things. And if you take a breath, you usually can’t remember what you’re fighting about,” she added.
“Charitably, I’m going to say that was just an awkward ‘My heart goes out to you’ gesture,” Stewart ... perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath.” ...
I previously focused on meaningful dates in U.S. history (and got a book out of it), and also ... perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath.” Words to live by.