The organisation is accusing some farmers of flouting protocols and legislation on the use of such chemicals on their farms.
Long Beach residents near companies that use methyl bromide are angry that air quality officials didn’t notify them for years ...
As the issue of independent review of the food industry’s GRAS declarations emerged, on another food safety issue Beyond ...
ISLAMABAD: In a significant step towards environm­e­ntal sustainability and com­­p­l­i­ance with international agreements, ...
Spotted lanternflies have wreaked havoc on U.S. agriculture since their arrival in 2014, but Penn State researchers may have ...
Are you concerned about the safety of the toys your little ones play with every day? Do you want to ensure that their plush ...
Following International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8, 2025, the poignant findings on gender and hazardous substances in ...
But this is the worst thing you can do for your bougainvillea.
Pesticides, widely used to protect crops from pests, often unintentionally harm pollinators like bumble bees. A new study, ...
A new report found traces of toxic heavy metals and herbicide in Girl Scout cookies. Do you need to avoid them?
A new lawsuit against Georgia-founded Girl Scouts claims its cookies are contaminated with dangerous heavy metals and pesticides — an allegation the organization denies.