If you're lucky enough to live on Dave Barbagelata's trash route, you should probably know you're witnessing a master at work ...
A fire broke out in the holding bin of a trash truck in Martinsville on Tuesday. Per a Martinsville Fire Department Facebook post, crews responded to North Mulberry Street ...
New York City’s new trash bin laws, which mandate that all residential waste be placed in secure containers, have encountered ...
The driver tried to put out the fire, but decided to dump the contents onto the road near a fire station after the fire spread.
If every household on the island is required to sign up for trash services, monthly trash rates could go down from $30 to $22 ...
As most NYC building owners are aware, since Nov. 12 all trash cans must have a secured lid. Otherwise, effective Jan. 2 ...
I don’t mean to rubbish their efforts but Pikitup needs a better plan before Joburg residents drown in their refuse ...
The Town of Okotoks is moving to a biweekly garbage collection schedule, and residents have brought a lot of questions ...
New trash and recycling carts are being distributed to Tecumseh city residences ahead of the start of the updated service ...
Kimble didn't pick up a bid packet or submit a bid, even though it were aware of the ballot issue. The only submitted bid was ...