As the man bleeds out, Mark makes a run for it, locating the room labeled Cold Harbor and using his blood-soaked clothing to ...
We don’t know exactly what the F-47 is going to consist of. But we know that it will be more advanced than the ...
Federal housing authorities announced that a COVID-era emergency housing voucher is running out of cash — and there’s no plan ...
Hollywood," Bong Joon Ho and John Carpenter talk "The Thing," LAFCA presents two from Brad Bird, "Kundun" in 35mm and "The ...
A growing body of work suggests that cell metabolism — the chemical reactions that provide energy and building materials — ...
Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra told The Associated Press that he had found Francis in good humor and serene during the three ...
San Antonio has music staples like Tejano, country, and metal music, but did you know that this city also has a lot of emo ...
Lamont Butler got a relatively late start to organized basketball, but the Kentucky star has always had something special. One man helped put him on the path to success.
Artifacts from 1,000 years of Ashkenazi Jewish life including literary transcripts, Herzl's diary, everyday notes and ...
These historical trade arteries connect cities and castles, palaces and pagodas and they provide easy transport routes ...
The top 10 most iconic movie characters of all time chosen for their cultural impact, popularity, and lasting legacy.
Sharks are more sought-after than ever. Yet, recreational anglers have become increasingly irate toward these species, ...