Get lost in the tunes and lyrics of We Three Kings, a timeless Christmas carol that beautifully captures the path of the wise men and the spirit of the season.
One hundred and seventy years after breaking ground, Grace Episcopal Church prepares for a new $1.5 million roof.
Bishop of Elphin, Kevin Doran will be installed as Bishop of Achonry on Sunday. The celebration of Mass for the Episcopal ...
and St. Patrick Catholic Church, Pottsville, anointed worshippers at Masses throughout the day. At Trinity Episcopal, Gamelin-Osenbach suggested the Ash Wednesday liturgy is possibly the most ...
The psychoanalyst and writer Massimo Recalcati, on Thursday, March 27, at 7 PM, in the Cathedral of Nola, will be the guest ...
The Anselmianum, also known as the the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant’Anselmo, held a five-day course in Rome from Feb. 24-28 for men and women responsible for episcopal liturgical celebrations.
There will be an annual Men’s Breakfast at Bethel’s Crown Point Campus from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. March 15. Those in attendance will enjoy food, brotherhood, and encouragement in the connection with ...
It was fall 2020, covid-19 case counts were about to explode, and Uma Gaffney had just started work as a middle school teacher in Minneapolis. “It was such a hard time to be a teacher,” she recalled.
Antioch Baptist Church 332 Elizabeth St., Sewickley. 412-741-7688. Morning worship and praise ...
I walked over to the church and noticed a sign on the door: “Doubters and skeptics welcome.” I thought I might fit in. Episcopal prayers (like those in other liturgical churches) are read ...