Anime Tokyo is located at B1F - 2F, Tokyu East 5, 2-25-5 Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, and the Oshi no Ko event will be hosted during the period of February 8 to May 6, from 11am to 6pm daily, except Mondays and public holidays. The highlights of Anime Tokyo's upcoming Oshi no Ko exhibition are as follows:
As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.
Escape the crowds and visit 3 of Japan’s lesser-known treasures: Taketomi Island’s beaches, Yamaguchi’s history and Nasu’s natural beauty await intrepid travelers.
For someone who isn’t super into cars, I found the early access release of Tokyo Xtreme Racer surprisingly fun (even if the terminology for upgrades was fairly daunting). Idly driving around the Shuto Expressway and flashing your high beams at someone to start a race can be quite entertaining.
I stayed in a capsule hotel at Tokyo's Narita International Airport. I didn't sleep well, but it seemed convenient for travelers with early flights.
Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. said it plans to ramp up real estate investments in Japan after buying a stake in a landmark Tokyo hotel and a large plot of land for logistics development in deals worth a combined $1.
Researchers near Tokyo have started trial production of a type of charcoal that could improve the quality of farm soil and tackle climate change at the same time.
Looking for the location of your save files in Tokyo Xtreme Racer? It’s a good idea to copy them now, since Cloud saves are still not an option.
The mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have visited the US Embassy in Tokyo to request that US President Donald Trump visit their atomic-bombed cities.
Tokyo Ghoul was a major success back when its anime series was released 10 years ago. The series was handled by Studio Pierrot, which, unfortunately, didn't do it justice. Now, Studio Pierrot has a few projects lined up, and specifically, they have some anniversary works at Anime Japan 2025.
Ye popped out with Capo in Tokyo on Sunday (Jan. 26), with both parties uploading posts about the Japan link-up and other videos capturing both Hip-Hop legends hanging out in the club. Referring to Ye’s upcoming album, Bully, Jones waxed poetic about West and sitting down with Justin LaBoy.
Consumer inflation in Tokyo likely accelerated in January, underlining persistent pressure on living costs, a Reuters poll showed on Friday. The core CPI for Japan's capital will come out after the Bank of Japan on Friday raised interest rates to their highest in 17 years,