(RNS) — I was talking with a Roman Catholic-raised friend who no longer practices the religion of his youth. At a certain ...
Gelsinger, a former tech CEO and advocate for ethical uses of AI, has long been involved with Gloo, a tech platform that ...
I’ve always bristled at the idea that God needs us to worship It. Maybe ‘needs’ isn’t the right word. Maybe God ‘wants’ our ...
Investorideas, a global investor news source covering mining and metals stocks releases today's Exploring Mining Podcast , featuring Host Cali Van Z ...
Do you ever think about your spiritual life? Not religion, per se, but how your values come from a way of seeing the universe, of moralizing it by choice? Of grappling with the sacred and unknowable ...
Clarifai, a global leader in AI and pioneer of the full-stack AI platform, today announced that Clarifai's orchestration ...
From an unlikely place — the upper reaches of the technology industry — comes an unexpected summons to an invigorated patriotism. The summons will discomfit progressives by requiring seriousness about ...
FROM AN unlikely place — the upper reaches of the technology industry — comes an unexpected summons to an invigorated patriotism. The summons will discomfit progressives by requiring ...