As Donald Trump kicks off his second term in office Monday, Seoul is paying close attention to how U.S.-China strategic competition — a key variable in setting the coordinates for Korean diplomacy — ...
South Korea must become more vocal in protesting China's use of 'gray zone tactics' to expand its maritime sovereignty, ...
Seoul and Beijing have resumed their negotiations to expand their existing FTA to include the service and investment sectors, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said Thursday. The talks ...
The map below shows the location of Beijing and Seoul. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
A faltering, undernourished US-Japan alliance, led by uninspired leadership on both sides, would send shock waves far beyond bilateral relations, eroding the bedrock of the US security architecture in ...
But if the opposition Minjoo (Democratic) Party ends up taking power, analysts say it could lead to closer ties between Seoul and Beijing. On December 3, in a televised address, Yoon shocked the ...
Itineraries on offer also included visiting North Korean factories, schools and a bank. Read more at
BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - Chinese planemaker COMAC plans to raise production capacity for its homegrown C919 single-aisle planes to 50 this year, a COMAC executive told a media outlet supported by ...