Tiny grains collected from the asteroid Ryugu have given scientists a new window into the magnetic forces that shaped the ...
Land north of Jacksonville could be hiding valuable meteorites that have gone undiscovered for years. Meteorite hunter Joe Kerchner wants to change that.
Naming it “Charlottetown Meteorite,” he made a statement that this was an “ordinary chondrite with features that help to explain why it broke apart as it hit the ground.” Months after the lab analysis ...
His analysis revealed that the freshly-dubbed Charlottetown Meteorite, a common type of chondrite, possessed distinctive attributes that elucidate why it disintegrated upon contact with terra firma.
As one of the largest marginal basins, the South China Sea (SCS) in the western Pacific (∼3,500,000 km 2) has been extensively studied in recent years (e.g., Taylor and Hayes, 1983; Savva et al., 2014 ...