Excavations uncovered the ruins of an imposing religious building of Eastern tradition, dating back to the 7th century BCE, ...
Elon Musk’s attack on empathy is an old reactionary trick. First, he sets it up with a weak disclaimer:"I believe in empathy.
Welcome to the end of civilization as we know it. When on Air Force One, heading to Mar-a-Lago to play golf, Trump was asked for his comment on the 80th ...
With another week behind us, it’s time — with the help of the Digital Culture beat — to unpack the worst moments of the online world.
Nuclear Armageddon, bribery, and several other new features come to Ara History Untold as part of the 4X game's sizable ...
The project aims to scan the night sky to search for an unmistakable "smoking gun" proving the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization.
This post responds to Elon Musk's comment, “The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy,” by considering the value of empathy individually and socially.
Firaxias has released Civilization 7 Update 1.000.005 on PS5, though it's not really a major patch that brings any gameplay ...
The enigmatic people who created the figures may have shared cultural traditions with neighboring Maya and other ancient ...
Compromise in politics is something that is as old as human civilization itself. Anyone who aspires to serve in an elected position understands this simple truth and the fact that, ...
Musk: The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy. The empathy exploit. They're exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response. So, I think, you know, empathy ...
In eastern China, archaeologists brushed away layers of soil to reveal something astonishing: a 7,000-year-old fire-drilling ...