A deer at Manassas National Battlefield Park recently tested positive for chronic wasting disease, also known as "zombie" ...
A disease that is fatal to deer and gives them zombie-like qualities has been found in a white-tailed deer in Manassas ...
Fratella takes lymph nodes for testing because that’s the part of the deer most likely to contain evidence of chronic wasting ...
A rare red meat allergy, usually linked to a bite from the lone star tick, may also be caused by other tick species found in ...
Two women who mysteriously developed vomiting, diarrhea and difficulty breathing were found to be suffering from a rare ...
Nutria are voracious little critters. They will eat up to 25% of their bodyweight a day in vegetation — and will destroy 10 ...
A silent but deadly epidemic is creeping through North America and scientists are sounding the alarm.
Alpha-gal syndrome, a red meat allergy caused by a bite from the lone star tick, may also be triggered by the deer tick and the western black-legged tick.
Older studies that concluded that too much red meat is harmful to your health have many limitations, based on newer findings.