A Hebridean sheep flock. Picture: Kent Wildlife Trust “We urge dog owners to be responsible and keep their pets on leads when visiting nature reserves and areas with livestock.” “We will ...
The Playford council said they have captured and relocated more than 40 unowned sheep and have urged residents to be “diligent in their private land and property”. The flock are believed to be ...
The sale includes all the sheep flock, and all current employees will be offered ongoing roles with CPC. This huge farm features a renowned boundary exclusion fence, to keep out wild dogs, that spans ...
A Staffordshire Police spokesman said: "We are appealing for information after a dog chased a flock of sheep in a field. As a result, four sheep were hurt and three pregnant ewes in the field have ...
Prime lamb producer John Jeffreys admits the climatic variables of farming in the Snowy-Monaro region of southern NSW is one of the challenges he enjoys about the job.
Ohio Sheep Day took place July 15, at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center sheep research facility in Wooster. Sheep producers from all over Ohio learned about Ohio State’s ...
READ The riskiest periods for sheep producers “Yilo received six Dohne Merino rams to help rebuild his flock and enhance its genetic quality,” she said. Kontsiwe said that the donation of the sheep ...
Getty Images Dog owners are urged to keep their pets on leads while walking in the countryside John Hazlett's sheep were attacked by local dogs in January, killing one of his flock. Mr Hazlett ...
Australia's contracting sheep flock could push pricing to "significant levels" the next time the industry enters a major rebuild phase if Eastern restocker buyers cannot draw on West Australian stock, ...
Roger and Dyddanwy Pugh run a flock of Texel-cross ewes at Crickie ... This is mainly because some breeds of sheep are susceptible to copper toxicity. Timing in relation to the fertility cycle ...