The lowly snake plant, often relegated to dark corners of homes and offices, has gotten its well-deserved fifteen minutes of fame. Margaret Roach, garden writer for the New York Times, ...
A 43-year-old woman from the northern Israeli village of Yarka is in intensive care after she was bitten by a snake in her yard on Tuesday.
In late summer or early fall, when temperatures threaten to drop below 60 F in your garden, reverse the acclimation process ...
The snake plant , also known as Sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue, is a stunning yet low-maintenance houseplant with a ...
Carol‘s gardening journey started with a five-year-old velo addiction that the mother of one wanted to overcome.
“It smells like a dead rat in an old barn,” described greenhouse manager Evili Martins. The konjac plant bloomed in early ...
An expert claims that having house plants can not only help you sleep better but it can also help you live longer. Here are ...
With these simple yet effective tips, you can transform your living room into a lush, green paradise using creeper plants., ...
If creating a calm, balanced and aesthetically pleasing home is your goal, then you probably already appreciate the power of indoor plants. More than just decorative additions, houseplants play a ...
Researchers discovered two new species of snake eels in Vietnam, one with "robust" teeth and one with "sharp" teeth.
Going to IKEA is always an adventure. A leisurely stroll through the entire store takes me at least an hour, and I sometimes ...
It’s time to get outdoors and shake off the winter blues, Atlanta. Spring is finally here, promising warmer weather, more daylight and pollen.