Igaühel on Eestis õigus endale vabalt elukoht valida. Elukohti võib olla mitu. Elukoha andmete õigsust eeldatakse, kuni pole tõendatud vastupidist. Valeandmed tuleb registrist eemaldada. Elva vallast ...
Teaduste akadeemia president Mart Saarma kinnitas LP-le, et on veendunud vaktsineerimise vajalikkuses ja kliimamuutuste inimtekkelisuses, kuid soovib, et ühiskonnas oleksid ära kuulatud ka need, kes ...
Levantine culture will be represented for the first time on a BYU stage at this year's Fusion Celebration. The Levant refers to the region of the Middle East that borders the Eastern Mediterranean ...
Ukraina kriis on proovikivi kogu rahvusvahelisele korrale – see on lääne jaoks hetk, mil tuleb otsustada, kuidas leida lahendused ajaloo väljakutsetele. Hiljutine Müncheni julgeolekukonverents ...
Utah and BYU united to ruin the college basketball season for the state of Kansas.
Helu is being trained by Lolo Heimuli, who already trained her in her amateur career. Heimuli also trained Daniels’ current coach John Conway. Tickets for the event will be on sale via ...
Here are all the UIL Texas high school wrestling state champions from the Fort Worth area. TEAM FINISHES Arlington Martin — Second in 6A Landry Wilkinson, Fort Worth Benbrook Wilkerson, a 157 ...
Maliana Heimuli, Euless Trinity Heimuli thrived in the 6A heavyweight class, winning a state championship vs. Sally Kazeem of Richmond Foster. Heimuli was ranked No. 9 ahead of the match and took ...
Lani Daniels is now a two-division World champion. Nailini Helu is back with her old trainer she trained with in her amateur career, the legendary master Lolo Heimuli. Heimuli also trained Lani ...
Täna Tartus toimunud sotsiaaldemokraatide volikogul sõnas erakonna juht Lauri Läänemets, et praeguse valitsuse ülesandeks peab olema leida lahendus toiduhindade vähendamiseks. „Eestis on toiduhindade ...
Carla Campos won the 185-poun championship while Euless Trinity’s Mailana Heimuli won the 235-pound title after finishing third at the Class 6A Region I meet last Saturday in Coppell.
The Woodlands' Riley Rayome won her first two matches on Friday in the Texas UIL Class 6A Wrestling Championships in Cypress. / Amanda Rayome The 2024 Texas high school wrestling individual ...