Scour Aprons: Erosion Control for Dams, Locks & Mines - Synthetex
Nov 14, 2019 · Looking to prevent critical failure of a costly dam, lock or mine? Adding scour aprons is easy with custom-made HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattresses.
Apron Stone Size: Design of Scour Protection • WAVES: For heavy wave action, use toe protection guidance (VI-5-3-d) • CURRENTS: For strong currents use scour blanket criterion (VI-5-3-f) • WAVES AND CURRENTS: Estimate individually, then increase largest by factor of 1.5
Scour Aprons: Simple and Effective Protection for Stone Bridges
Mar 26, 2021 · Scour aprons are a highly simple and effective means of preventing scour. The scour apron (alternatively called the “collar” or, at least when applied to piers, “pontoon”) is a very simple barrier that surrounds and extends out a short way from a pier or abutment.
Culvert Headwalls, Wing Walls & Scour Aprons - Terra Aqua Inc.
Designing Gabion Scour Aprons: A scour apron is often required, on the base, at the inlets or outlets of culverts to inhibit scour, stabilize soil conditions, and reduce flow velocities to allow for a transition from culvert to native soil.
Permanent Erosion Control & Scour Protection | Synthetex
The best alternative to conventional products such as rip-rap and gabions, HYDROTEX fabric-formed concrete mattresses are apt for erosion control and scour protection in a variety of markets and settings, including bridges and piers, landfills, dams, ports, and highways.
Designing and manufacturing geosynthetic products
Because scour protection is essential to the success of any installation of geotextile tubes for coastal protection, Flint manufactures TITAN ASA™ anti-scour aprons to custom widths and lengths and with integral anchor tubes as determined by the specific project needs.
ScourStop Transition Mats - Paramount Materials
This is often known as Scour Protection or Outlet Protection and commonly used for concrete aprons, riprap-lined or settling basins. These dissipators intercept flow from pipes and ditches and neutralize or deflects the concentrated erosive forces.
Bridge Pier Scour Protection Solutions | Synthetex
Feb 5, 2020 · Synthetex provides leading bridge pier scour protection solutions by manufacturing a custom fabric-form that is placed at the base of the pier and pumped with concrete, permanently remediating and preventing scour.
Berth Protection and Scour Prevention - HUESKER
Incomat® mattresses were developed by HUESKER engineers to provide a safe and cost-effective solution for berth and scour protection at ports. Incomat mats are deployed underwater and pump filled with highly fluid concrete to provide a scour protection apron.
GEORUNNER® Scour Protection - Presto Geosystems
Protect areas subjected to concentrated flows from scour and surface erosion with GEORUNNER® Mats. Fully interconnected mats protect underlying TRMs or erosion control blankets, allowing low-maintenance vegetation at pipe outfalls for outlet protection, drainage ditches and swales instead of costly, higher maintenance rip rap .
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