Grasscrete - Sustainable Paving Systems Products
The selection of Grasscrete is one of the easiest ways to achieve LEED® points due to the reduction in heat island effect, management of storm water runoff, recycled content used in the application process as well as the concrete and sub-base, the long lifespan and the low maintenance required.
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Grasscrete paving system. Alongside this original invention further paving systems have been introduced as well as a range of earth retaining walls and green roofing solutions. Why Grasscrete? With architects and engineers now embracing environmental technology, the relevance of Grasscrete has never been greater.
Tested to flow rates in excess of 8 metres per second, this self-venting paving system is ideal for armouring the following:- When combined with its ability to withstand traffic, Grasscrete has a unique position in the field of Water Engineering.
Frequently Asked Questions | Sustainable Paving Systems
Grasscrete functions best in fully concealed installations when a sandy soil is used to fill the voids and to cover the concrete. This will allow the grass to grow well and will support occasional non-emergency vehicle access.
Grasscrete is generally slightly more than other pervious grassed systems such as plastic rings, plastic unit pavers and pre-cast unit pavers. However, using Grasscrete means you are using the most robust system with the lowest lifecycle costs of any pervious system with comparable capacity, durability and performance.
Grasscrete: Types and Cost - Civiconcepts
Grasscrete is a sustainable and environmentally friendly paving system designed to integrate vegetation with a concrete structure. It consists of a grid of concrete blocks or open-cell structures with voids that allow grass or other vegetation to grow.
Grasscrete – 10+ Benefits, Cost & Installation Process
Grasscrete is a reinforced cellular in situ (cast on-site) concrete grass paving that grows with real grass. It consists of a mixture of concrete and natural soil in a patterned layout. The mixture incorporates 47% concrete and 53 % holes for the grass.
Grasscrete – Types, Advantages & Installation Process - Daily …
Grasscrete is an permeable paving system that allows the grass to grow between steel-reinforced concrete, mimicking natural processes and allowing rainwater to seep into the soil.
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Grasscrete was invented in the late 1960’s by Yorkshire architect, the late Jack Blackburn. Taken by the idea and potential of grass paving he was however less impressed by the variable performance levels of the pre-cast concrete systems available at that time.
Discover The Benefits Of Grasscrete & Its Installation Process
Grasscrete, a paving material made from concrete blocks with hollows to accommodate grass or other vegetation, offers numerous benefits to property owners. With its unique design, Grasscrete offers a visually appealing, safe, and environmentally friendly option to conventional pavement.