Meaning and history of the Colombina mask - Venezia Maschere
Colombina mask is a half-face mask that mainly covers the wearer’s eyes, nose and upper cheeks. It can be held up either by ribbons, which let your hands-free or by a small stick which makes it easier to put on and off.
Carnival of Venice - Wikipedia
The Colombina (also known as Columbine) is a half-mask, only covering the wearer's eyes, nose, and upper cheeks. It is often highly decorated with gold, silver, crystals, and feathers.
Background and history of the Colombina Venetian Mask
Colombina was an early Commedia dell'arte actress in the 15th century whose vanity made her reluctant to camouflage her beauty behind a mask. The half-mask was designed to accommodate her.
Colombina: a woman on the stage | Kartaruga
There’s only one woman among the masks of the Commedia dell’Arte, but it’s a character with its own personality, not a mere Lover: we introduce you Colombina. Colombina made a name for herself as a mask of the Commedia dell’Arte quite late, namely in the 17th century, in France.
Maschera Colombina, da dove nasce e cosa rappresenta
Sep 26, 2024 · Qual è la storia e l'origine della maschera Colombina? Ecco da dove nasce e cosa rappresenta uno dei personaggi tipici della commedia veneziana!
The masks of Venice Carnival: Colombina
Feb 19, 2020 · The most important festival of the year for the city of Venice is coming: the Carnival. Let’s find out more about the history of the mask of Colombina. Colombina is one of the most ancient masks and probably the only female figure that was able to stand out more in a all-male Commedia dell’arte.
意大利印象之——威尼斯面具 - 知乎
狂欢节面具(Carnival Masks) 这些面具最能代表威尼斯人的精神,他们用它计划派对,犯罪和乐趣。 有许多的场合,人们盛装打扮,事实上,面具在一年当中就有数个月份能派得上用场。 十八世纪的威尼斯,享受它那世界上最负盛名的嘉年华会之美誉。
Significado e historia de la máscara Colombina
La máscara Colombina es una máscara de media cara que cubre principalmente los ojos, la nariz y la parte superior de las mejillas del usuario. Puede sujetarse mediante cintas, que permiten tener las manos libres, o mediante un pequeño palo que facilita su colocación y retirada.
Colombina Mask | Handmade Venetian Masks Online Shop
Colombina mask, in its many different versions, is one of the most famous Venetian masks and it represents the essence of masking. This classic version is handmade in papier-mache, easily wearable and light enough to be worn for a whole day.
Atelier La Colombina | Italy | Venetian Masks Venice
Atelier La Colombina stock over 2.000 carnival masks, including hand made porcelain dolls, Venetian capes and costumes and no one is like another
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