Dietes iridioides (Fortnight Lily) - Gardenia
Fortnight Lily, Wild Iris, Cape Iris, Moraea iridioides, Dietes vegeta. Native to Eastern and Southern Africa, Dietes iridioides (Fortnight Lily) is a rhizomatous evergreen perennial with attractive flowers resembling small Japanese Irises.
Dietes vegeta (Moraea iridioides) - Boething Treeland Farms
Elegant long grass-like leaves with stalks of regal iris-like flowers distinguish Dietes vegeta, one of Boething Treeland Farms most requested plants.
Dietes iridioides - Wikipedia
Dietes iridioides, commonly named African iris, fortnight lily, and morea iris, is a species of plant in the family Iridaceae that is native to Southern Africa.
Butterfly Iris - Moraea iridioides (Dietes iridioides ... - Civano …
Butterfly Iris has a medium texture, and with fans of long, lance-shaped foliage, it creates an attractive upright accent that blends into almost any design aesthetic. Its delicate white flowers resemble irises with yellow and pale purple at their intricate centers.
Dietes iridioides - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Dietes iridioides is synonymous with Dietes vegeta and Moraea iridioides. Genus name comes from dis meaning double. Specific epithet means resembling iris. No serious insect or disease problems. Crown root, root rot and rust may occur. Scale and nematodes.
Fortnight Lily Plant Care & Growing Basics: Water, Light, Soil ...
Fortnite Lily goes by many names such as African Iris, Wild Iris, and Dietes (Moraea) iridioides. This perennial evergreen is native to Eastern and Southern Africa and can be identified by its prominent white flowers with distinctive splashes of color around the middle.
Moraea iridioides L
Plant Characteristics: Perennial from short, stout creeping rhizome; lvs. sword shaped, rigid, in fan-shaped distichous rosettes, to .9 m. long, 1.5-2 cm. wide, parallel veined, glabrous, flat; fls. 3-4 to a spathe, blooming one at a time, white with yellow bearded midsection on hafts of 3 outer segms., 3-4 cm. long, 2 cm. wide, inner segms. whi...
Moraea irioides (Dietes iridioides) • Use: Exotic white flowers with yellow and purple-blue markings burst from stalks amid stiff, iris-like, evergreen foliage. Profuse bloomer; blooms last only one day but are quickly replaced. Fire resistant. • Exposure/Soil: Full/part sun; well-draining soil and appre-ciates slow release fertilizer.
Its delicate white flowers resemble irises with yellow and pale purple at their intricate centers. Each flower blooms near the tips of the grass-like leaves for a single day before fading to make way for fresh blooms on the same long stalk.
How to Grow and Care for Fortnight Lily (Dietes iridioides)
May 23, 2023 · The fortnight lily goes by many names, including African iris, butterfly iris, Wood iris, and scientifically Dietes iridioides. Here's how to grow and care for this...
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