Here is our entire digital curriculum for PLUM LANDING! PLUM LANDING™ is produced by GBH Kids. Major funding for PLUM LANDING is provided by the National Science Foundation, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and The Kendeda Fund. Additional funding is provided by the Northern Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Join Plum, a purple alien from Planet Blorb, and her five earthling friends on an epic exploration of Planet Earth. Trek across deserts, plunge over waterfalls, climb mountains and...
Join Plum and her five earthling friends on an epic exploration of Planet Earth!
PLUM LANDING is my exciting multi-platform, indoor-outdoor, science exploration adventure for kids and grown-ups. We've got games, animations, videos, apps, a whole digital curriculum for afterschools and summer camps, and science activities for parents and kids to do together.
Plum | Plum Landing Wiki | Fandom
Plum is a purple alien and the protagonist of the Plum Landing series. She is voiced by Mariee Devereux. In Britsh, she is voiced by Kazyie Rogers. In Japanese, she is voiced by Megumi Hayashibara. She is a large anthropomorphic purple blorbian, a type of …
PLUM LANDING | River Rollercoaster, Mangrove, Part 1 | PBS …
Feb 20, 2015 · What's a skismo? Whatever it is, it's INCREDIBLY important to Plum and right now it's floating away!!! Grabbing hold of a raft, the kids manage to track the skismo over a waterfall ...more
Plum Landing (TV Series 2014– ) - IMDb
Take a bubble trip to the Australian desert on a brand-new mission from Plum. Find out what a skismo is. Visit Mysterious Mount X, which is three mountains in one. Learn about the team's favorite places in nature. And much more.
Plum Landing | PBS Kids Wiki | Fandom
Plum Landing is an animated web series released in 2014. The series follows an alien being nicknamed Plum with her earth friends discovering about the planet and its ecosystem.
PBS KIDS Debuts New Web-original Property and Free App: PLUM LANDING
Apr 22, 2014 · PBS KIDS has announced the launch of an all-new web-original property, PLUM LANDING, a cross-platform, digital adventure designed to engage 6- to 9-year olds in environmental science by using...
Season 1 | Plum Landing Wiki | Fandom
Season 1 of Plum Landing consists of 6 episodes. The season premiered on April 21, 2014. Cities vs. Plants Cook an Egg The Manta Ray Mystery The Lost Lake Brad Befriends a Bilby The Manta Ray Mystery.