American Rail Network, 1861 | The Geography of Transport …
In only 30 years after its introduction, the American rail network totaled about 28,900 miles (46,500 km) on the eve of the Civil War (1861-1865). Yet, the American rail network was composed of two systems reflecting the political division between the North (Union States) and the South (Confederate States).
Map of the American Civil War 1861-1865: Railroads
Historical Map of the American Civil War: Railroads 1861-1865; illustrating the Southeastern United States.
Lloyd's American railroad map. - Library of Congress
- Includes "Time dial" and inset of "Map of Escambia & Santa Rosa Cos., Fl. showing Pensacola harbor and channel, Ft. Pickens, Ft. McRae, Bragg's batteries and the position of the U.S. fleet now before the harbor." - Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a …
William G. Thomas--The Iron Way: Railroads, the Civil War, and …
Map 1: The United States in 1861, showing principal railroads and junctions. *Asa Whitney, Map No. 1 from "A Project for a Railroad to the Pacific," 1849. *Asa Whitney, Map No. 2 from "A Project for a Railroad to the Pacific," 1849. Map 2: The Peninsular Campaign, March to July 1862. Map 3: The Shenandoah Valley, Virginia.
Maps, Time Tables, & Images - Railroads: Sources for Historical ...
Oct 1, 1999 · Included are 623 maps chosen from more than 3,000 railroad maps and about 2,000 regional, state, and county maps, and other maps which show "internal improvements" and covers 1828-1900.
Map, Available Online, 1861, Available Online | Library of Congress
Map of the eastern half of the United States and part of Canada showing drainage, state boundaries, and place names. Shows steamboat routes and railroads in operation, in progress, and projected.
American Rail System, 1861 Sources: Railroads and the Making of Modern America, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (Rail Network). US Census Bureau (Urban Population). Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Global Studies & Geography, Hofstra University.
1861 Railroad Map - Truckee-Donner Historical Society
The Manuscript map was created in 4 sections on one rolled sheet of ink on linen in preparation to construct the railroad across the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range in California.
Goldthwait's map of the United States, British Provinces, Mexico ...
Goldthwait's map of the United States, British Provinces, Mexico, Central America, W. India Is. &c., exhibiting the railroads with their distances, single and double tracks and width of gauge. Shows drainage, relief by hachures, place names, and state boundaries. New York, 1861. - Scale ca. 1:7,000,000.
James T. Lloyd, American Railroad Map, 1861 | The Map House
Folding railroad map of the United States East of the Mississippi and part of Missouri. Published to illustrate the importance of railways to the Civil War. An overprint shows this...