Stellar nucleosynthesis - Wikipedia
In astrophysics, stellar nucleosynthesis is the creation of chemical elements by nuclear fusion reactions within stars. Stellar nucleosynthesis has occurred since the original creation of hydrogen, helium and lithium during the Big Bang. As a predictive theory, it yields accurate estimates of the observed abundances of the elements.
Stellar evolution - Wikipedia
Stellar evolution is the process by which a star changes over the course of time. Depending on the mass of the star, its lifetime can range from a few million years for the most massive to trillions of years for the least massive, which is considerably longer than the current age of the universe.
CNO cycle - Wikipedia
In astrophysics, the carbon–nitrogen–oxygen (CNO) cycle, sometimes called Bethe–Weizsäcker cycle, after Hans Albrecht Bethe and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, is one of the two known sets of fusion reactions by which stars convert hydrogen to helium, the other being the proton–proton chain reaction (p–p cycle), which is more ...
Stellar Nucleosynthesis: How Stars Make the Elements - ThoughtCo
Sep 1, 2024 · Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process through which elements are created within stars, by combining the protons and neutrons together from the nuclei of lighter elements. All of the atoms in the universe began as hydrogen. Fusion inside stars transforms hydrogen into helium, heat, and radiation.
Stellar Life Cycle | Earth Science - Lumen Learning
Initially the energy is generated by the fusion of hydrogen atoms at the core of the main-sequence star. Later, as the preponderance of atoms at the core becomes helium, stars like the Sun begin to fuse hydrogen along a spherical shell surrounding the core.
Stars - NASA Science
Oct 22, 2024 · After millions of years, immense pressures and temperatures in the star’s core squeeze the nuclei of hydrogen atoms together to form helium, a process called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion releases energy, which heats the star and prevents it from further collapsing under the force of gravity.
The formation and life cycle of stars - The life cycle of a star
A star is formed when it is hot enough for the hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to make helium. The fusion process releases energy, which keeps the core of the star hot.
Fusion Reactions in Stars: Proton-Proton Chain and CNO Cycle …
In higher-mass stars, the dominant energy production process is the CNO cycle, which is a catalytic cycle that uses nuclei of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen as intermediaries and in the end produces a helium nucleus as with the proton-proton chain.
The life cycle of the stars - Windows to the Universe
Jan 24, 2005 · Fusion in the core of stars is reached when the density and temperature are high enough. There are different fusion cycles that occur in different phases of the life of a star.
Star Formation (Stellar Evolution or Life Cycle of A Star
May 8, 2023 · Fusion in a star’s core produces heat and outward pressure, but this pressure is kept in balance by the inward push of gravity generated by a star’s mass (gravity is a product of mass). When the hydrogen used as fuel vanishes, and fusion slows, gravity causes the star to collapse. This creates a degenerate star.