Start Menu X for windows 11
Start Menu X is a replacement of the system menu for professionals. Compatible with Windows 11 Power users know how inconvenient and time-consuming it is to launch programs from the system menu.
スタートメニュー X Windows11用 - Start Menu X
スタートメニュー x. スタートメニュー x は、プロのためのシステムメニューです。 パワーユーザーは、システムメニューからのプログラム実行がどんなに非効率的かを知っています。 そこであなたにソリューションをお届けします。
Start Menu X: Check updates
Usually, the Start menu appears next to the start button or in the center if the button is located in the middle. You can move the menu or change its size, and StartMenu X will remember these changes.
Start Menu X: Check updates
Usually, the Start menu appears next to the start button or in the center if the button is located in the middle. You can move the menu or change its size, and StartMenu X will remember these changes.
Technical details - Start Menu X
The Start Menu X installation package consists of the following two programs: Start Menu X – the program that replaces the system menu and Group Manager, a tool that helps organize programs into virtual groups. The program does not modify your system and it absolutely safe to use.
Menu Démarrer X pour windows 11 - Start Menu X
Menu Démarrer X remplace le menu système des professionnels. Les utilisateurs savent combien il est peu commode et lent de lancer les programmes à partir du menu système. Mais nous avons une solution que vous allez aimer !
Start Menu X: Check updates
Usually, the Start menu appears next to the start button or in the center if the button is located in the middle. You can move the menu or change its size, and StartMenu X will remember these changes.
Start Menu X: Help
Find out how to find and launch programs without scrolling, extra clicks and moves - this is Start Menu X. - Group programs by purpose in " virtual groups "(office applications, graphics, etc) without changing their location on the hard drive.
Startmenü X für windows 11
Startmenü X ersetzt die gelben Ordnersymbole mit Anwendungs-Icons. Wenn Sie auf den Ordner klicken, wird die Anwendung gestartet. Wenn Sie den Mauszeiger über das Ordersymbol führen, wird das Untermenü aufgeklappt.
Menú Inicio X para windows 11 - Start Menu X
Menú Inicio X es un sustituto del menú del sistema para profesionales. Los usuarios avanzados saben que ejecutar programas desde el menú del sistema es incómodo y requiere tiempo. ¡Hemos creado la solución perfecta!